Monday, January 30, 2012

The Pretty Couple.

This is a very special Mystery Couple Monday because it's the couple who inspired this blog. And today happens to be their anniversary. They are the most worthy couple in the whole wide world...

First when you see them all you can say is "you're too cute it's disgusting" they are one of THOSE couples. Too attractive for their own good (not to up their egos but they are a handsome couple as my grandmother says). At first when they started dating it was picture after picture all over Facebook of them smiling together, posing in the snow, posing at coffee shops, hugging, kissing, DISGUSTING. It was just too much, I'm sure you've all encountered couples like this. I won't lie I was encouraging it - we ALL were. Writing comments like "this is TOO cute" or "I love you guys" well then next thing I knew the comments changed to "this is too cute for words, makes me sick." so I started writing "" obviously. They also write things on each others pictures and walls like (and this is a direct quote) "it's not possible or anyone to be any more attractive than this :)" Really? News flash: there are many other people in the world more attractive, just because you are blinded by love doesn't mean you have to blow up my newsfeed with this.

Other than the constant Facebook PDA there were the tweets. Every single day they were apart (over the summer and then the next semester) a tweet came to my phone saying something like "Ugh. Smelt some flowers today #imissher" or "Ate a sandwich #imissher" Can we all say together? Thanks. Also I'm a creeper and have looked at a few texts from them (if you leave your phone in public I may just read through your texts FYI) and I saw some pretty lame ones, for example "I just made the best pie..." the next one said "Now I'm bored... I miss you" within two seconds. A little too much for my gag reflexes. 

When they first started being boyfriend and girlfriend they went on a disgustingly cute date. I'm talking romantic comedy corny too cute date. That's right, I'm talking about dinner and coffee date with ice skating in the city in the snow. Where he finally asked her to be his girlfriend officially. Vomatrocious. Also there is a folder on his computer that is entitled "Her" which consists of hundreds of pictures of them together or just Facebook pictures that she looks pretty in. Or even pictures of just their faces talking on video chat. I may add that almost every one of those pictures is entitled something like "Beautiful" or "<3" "love" "pretty" "first date" (blah blah blah too much cuteness). 

ALSO they watch certain television shows together and literally they won't watch them without each other. You may think this isn't a huge deal but it makes it so that when I want to watch one of these funny, great tv shows I can't watch it as a family. Or talk about it. And yes they were backed up on watching for like 7 months because of the distance, so it really got to the point where it was ridiculous... Luckily they are back together and caught up so I can talk about current events again. 

They are also one of those couples who  are constantly touching each other either hugging or holding hands or having their arms around each other (not in a gross too much PDA way but in a puppy dog love kind of way). Since they are back together I can only imagine that their friends are constantly holding back the puke as they see them walking around campus or listening to them talk about each other and how much they are obsessed with each other. 

Anyway happy anniversary to you both. 
Hope your day is filled with moments. 

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