Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So I was eating breakfast this morning when I saw something very normal for my school. A half-runner. Maybe you don't know what this is but I do, and it just makes me say Here's the scenario...

Someone is running late to class, or trying to rush to lunch, or a date, or wherever they are going... So they start running (backpack flailing, hair all over the place, maybe their books are being dropped) so you spot them running and you think "Oh they must be in quite a rush..." Then, mid-thought they just stop running. Less than half way to their destination. Without getting to the door of the building. They stop running. And start walking. Slowly. Why on Earth did they even start running? 

There is no way you ran fast enough to actually make much of a difference time-wise if you stop running not even half way there! It really bothers me. I'm not saying it's against the law or anything but in my mind if you want to look foolish running across campus to class, you might as well fully commit and run the entire way there. 

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