Monday, January 9, 2012

Not Cute.

This is the newest addition to my blog: Mystery Couple Mondays. 
Every Monday I will describe to you a couple that just makes me say 

Couple one: They are just one of those really awkward looking pairs. They kinda just make me uncomfortable. Just strictly looking at them makes me cringe a little. He's not even much taller than her from what I've seen which is just not okay to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for them that they found each other... But if they ever reproduce, it won't be pretty. 

I sound so shallow only talking about their looks, but that's not all that makes them couple one on my blog. They are very awkward together. They are from very different social circles which does not really help them out at all. They interact very rarely and when they do it consists of things like a viral video of them rapping together circling the web. Not cute. Or good, I might add. 

Overall I am proud that they have lasted as long as they have, I guess they are just one of those couples that are just so strange it actually works... Like Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey... 

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