Friday, January 20, 2012


I could go on and on about how disgusting and scary and EVIL these animals are, but I'll try to keep it short. They are my biggest fear. Literally. And I have been attacked a few times in my life. It all started in seventh grade...

I was on a bike ride with my brother around our neighborhood on a beautiful sunny day. I was looking behind me to see where my brother was and I heard him telling me to move to the side, he was pretty panicked. I quickly swerved to the sidewalk and looked in the middle of the street... And there it was sitting there, a little squirrel. I went back on my bike to see why it wasn't moving. My brother and I were standing over it and it was just looking around but it wouldn't move. I was a little nervous I had hit it or something so I put my foot out near it to cast a shadow and maybe startle it to have it move. BOY WAS I WRONG! The little guy suddenly froze looked up at me, in my eyes, and jumped onto my sneaker! I screamed and started kicking my foot trying to get it off, it wouldn't let go I kept kicking and kicking until finally it flung from the top of my foot and grabbed on to the bottom of it... It was very traumatic so I finally (using the pedal of my bike) got the evil creature off of my foot and peddled home. 

This is literally how I live my life.

This was only the first out of many attacks, but the attacks are not the only thing I hate about them... They are not cute, their beady little eyes can see everything and they can hold on to every bit of tree, wall, blanket, or even shoe as I learned. And they don't just mind their own business, they are constantly watching me (and other people, but mostly me.) and hanging by one foot or jumping from tree branch to tree branch. You can't trust them, they are constantly looking to attack. At least that's what I think. Every time I leave a building or walk around they are there staring at me or waiting until my guard is down to attack me again.

Not natural. Terrifying really. 

Some people find them super cute and some people even think they are funny, but I see their true colors and I know what they really think: "Kill Amira." It has to be true. I also am sent pictures and video of squirrels all the time because people think it's funny to see my reaction but it is NOT. I was even given a calendar of them for my birthday which is disturbing on many different levels. 

When I see things like this tears form in my eyes.

At my school they are everywhere and so naturally I run to class and run to the gym and run to my room (in other words I run everywhere because they always block my path or follow me). One time I was walking with my friends and the girl in front of me threw out her trash and nothing happened so I threw my trash away and A SQUIRREL jumped out of the trash can and almost took off my hand! I may add I am convinced that they have a network and they all know that I am scared so they know to attack (like a lioness attacks the weakest antelope). 

They really are coming for ME. Specifically. 

Anyway squirrels just make me want to cry and definitely make me say daily, between dodging them and running around of course. I apologize for making this so long but I had to explain my deepest fear in great detail. 

I get that this is not what they look like to most people, but in my mind they do. 

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