Thursday, January 19, 2012


Don't get me wrong I am totally pro snow... ONLY between December 15-January 2nd. After that it is horrible. Miserable. And cold. 

Obviously if I am laying in bed drinking hot chocolate or ice skating on a pond or sledding; not going to school I am a happy camper (again WHEN IT IS THE HOLIDAY SEASON). But if I am going to school, wiping my car off in the freezing weather, or slipping around on ice I am not a fan. 

Being a tall girl who can't really walk on normal pavement or up and down stairs without falling, adding an icy, snowy layer in between me and the cement is NOT fun. I have to walk much slower when there is snow on the ground and therefore I am frequently late to wherever I am headed. And when I get there I am usually miserable because I am wet having recently fallen in a snow bank. Think I am exaggerating? I'm not. 

Story of my life... Literally. 
Anyway, snow is pretty and festive when I know it will be the holiday season and there are many presents waiting for me around the corner. But at any other time of the year?? GET ME TO HAWAII.

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