Monday, March 5, 2012

Brad and Angelina.

So I'm pretty sure I'm one of the only ones who feels this way, so please don't have a heart attack or disown me but I CAN'T stand this couple. They give me a bad taste in my mouth and make it so that if they are pictured in a magazine or on television I turn the channel or throw the magazine across the room. 

Why you might ask? Well, I'm going to bring you back to 1998 and a beautiful happy couple that everyone (including myself) fell in love with... Brad and Jennifer. Remember them? Because I do. They say you don't forget your first love and this was one the first celebrity couples I really loved (besides Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears of course). And maybe that's why I'm so bitter but still... I remember that poor Jenn wanted children but Brad "wasn't ready". I remember how cute they looked all the time. I remember his guest starring role on Friends. I remember a lot. But the main thing I remember was a film called Mr. and Mrs. Smith when it all came crashing down. 

That's right people Brad and Angelina started out as a home wrecking, cheating couple, and cheaters are scum. Okay... I apologize that was a little rough but it's annoying no one seems to remember how they started seeing each other while he still was wearing his wedding ring... And it also annoys me that he "wasn't ready for kids" but the second he was with Angelina he decided to adopt Africa. 

Don't get me wrong I love Brad Pitt and I don't mind Angelina Jolie (sometimes) but together I just can't do it. And just to clear the air... I'm also not hoping for Brad and Jenn to get back together because she's way better off single than with a cheater (anyone is for that matter). 

I mean come on people... I'm not saying they aren't a great couple who do a lot for the world with all their money but they are also a couple who started with infedility. at it's best. That's why they were chosen for the celebrity addition of Mystery Couple Monday... I just can't stop the taste of bile creeping up into my mouth when I see them herding around their small army because I can only think about Jenn. 

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