See... Told ya so. Apart from his beard (which is not even a full beard, just scraggly and uneven) his hair is always sweaty and stringy and in his face. Of course having it in his face makes it a little nicer since then I can't see it as well, it goes paired with the fact that long hair is not cute on boys (refer to my previous post).
Also, he plays on the Lakers and therefore I can't stand him. Regardless. Sorry but I'm a big Celtics fan and even seeing the purple and gold colors together just rub me the wrong way. He also always has his mouth open when he is playing which shows me he is a mouth breathe-er and probably even chews with his mouth open. It also reveals some really jacked up teeth. Lastly I don't think he is THAT good. Of course most of that comes from the fact that he works for the enemy but still he did not do well in the playoffs last year. Averaging about a 42% shooting average during those games (haha sucks to suck) just doesn't add up for me.
I will leave you all with a great selection of pictures of, in my opinion, one of the ugliest humans on this Earth... Mr. Pau Gasol. Very worthy if you ask me.
I throw my hands up in the air sometimes...
Saying AYYY OHHHH I am ugly...
I mean really... Time to go into a cave.
For life.
Wow. That last picture is awful. Not that the others aren't as well... but seriously? Someone put that on the front of a magazine? What?!