Monday, January 23, 2012

Obsessed with Each Other.

We all know couples like this. Where you literally don't see one without the other and if you do they are literally crying because they miss them so much. It really doesn't matter if they are the cutest couple in the world or ugly and creepy looking - it's annoying. 

Don't get me wrong I adore love, and I think it's great that people have found it out there in the world but I don't need to see you macking hard everywhere you go. Here are a few helpful hints for you to see if you have become a couple like this... 

1. Is your significant other the only one who writes on your Facebook wall or the only one who tweets at you? 
2. Have you been more than five feet away from them within the past three months? 
3. Do you wear matching outfits out to parties? 
4. Can you not go five minutes without speaking about or to them? 
5. Are you seen making out or tickling each other in public daily? 

If any of these questions describe your relationship it is possible you are probably too obsessed with your significant other. Unless you want people to start yelling at you every day, I would suggest pulling yourself together and hanging out with other people. 

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