Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Blocking People.

This post is all about when people block you - no I don't mean on the basketball court or the volleyball court... I mean on Facebook. For those of you who are from the Stone Age (or the seventies) and don't have Facebook or know what this means, let me explain. Blocking someone means that they literally do not exist anymore. You can't see pictures, you can't see wall posts, you can't even search for them on Facebook - they literally disappear. POOF!
Poor Nina...

Don't get me wrong I've done this before but only once... It was a stage-five clinger all up on my Facebook daily, liking everything I did and commenting way too much to be normal. I didn't even really know him and every time I unfriended him he re-friended me within a day. HOWEVER, the kind of blocking I am talking about is not the "someone is stalking me and will probably murder me in my sleep" kind of blocking... 

This is the "we used to date months ago" or the "you are my ex's BFF" blocking. Look- I'm all about blocking people if it is directly after you break up and you don't want to see their face every day or you don't want to see "I am so much happier now" statuses which we all know are not real... But do NOT block someone (specifically ME!) six months after we break up and I'm living at home not even talking to you. That is just ABSURD. Yes, this has happened to me. I'm fine with being ignored by someone in person (even though I think 9 months in a relationship is cause for at least a head nod) but really? On Facebook? Clearly I'm just a very difficult person to get over. (LOLZ) 

Another thing about this blocking business is when they block you on Facebook but still talk to you in person!!!!!!!!! This happened to me with my BFF's ex. He blocked me on FB (that's how the cool kids shorten it) because he couldn't see the pictures of her I posted.. BUT HE ALWAYS SAYS HI TO ME AND TRIES TO TALK TO ME IN PERSON!! (Ummmmmm NO.) If you don't want to see my comical posts on Facebook or my beautiful photos, I am not going to say "Hey Howdy Doo!" in person and act like we are friends. And I'm definitely NOT going to respond to your texts asking me how I am. It just makes no sense. (Not to mention with this kid I was his #1 fan and never said a bad thing about him...UNTIL NOW) 

Let's face it... You kill them. That's how it happens in real life... 

The real issue I have with it is that you can just un-friend someone and have basically the same affect. Or even just unsubscribe to them. Let's face it, Facebook only shows you about five of your friends' activity anyway. No need to erase someone from your life that drastically-unless they are about to come murder you/are stalking you too much. It's also all about the timing- right after a break up? Sure, block away... Six months? Little too long. But my favorite is the frequent un-blocker/blocker I currently have on my hands........ Recently I was re-blocked - That's right LITERALLY two years post break up. Which is whatever but it's also a bit pathetic. Again, clearly even seeing my face is too much for some people and I'm just too difficult to get over without blocking me. (Clearly I am also JKing) 

Even Facebook thinks blocking is extreme and when you do you have to say a reason... Which I personally have never fulfilled... There's no "I miss her too much to see her face everyday without crying" button... 

Anyway, it just makes me say VOM.COM when I see people blocking people. Just don't ever block me unless I am CREEPING you out or you have the sense I will be stalking you... 

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