Thursday, December 6, 2012

Anne Hathaway.

I may offend a few people with this one but I just cannot deal with good ol' Annie. Or I guess I should say "Annoying Ol' Annie" because I really just do not like her. 

First of all, she peaked in Princess Diaries and in my opinion the majority of the reason she did so well in that film was because she started as such an ugly duckling and turns into a beautiful princess who can finally date the boy from Brink! I mean truly who wouldn't enjoy that movie? Since then, however, she has literally played the same character in every single movie she's been in. I'm not saying I don't like the movies she is in, I actually really enjoy most of them but I just think she needs some dimension in her life. She is casted in Les Miserables which is coming out and I'm really nervous. It looks like she does an okay job but she has THE song in it and she is no where close to a powerful singer from what I've researched. (Side note: I had to post this before I see it because I'm banned my mom from saying anything negative about her in it) 

I truly wish she had been left tied up

Second of all, did anyone watch her host the Oscars? Barf-a-mania. She is literally the most self obsessed person I have encountered (not that we're pals but you understand what I'm saying). She spent the whole night FAILING at jokes and trying to get people to just applaud her for being the greatest creature in the world. News flash: You made the Oscars the most uncomfortable few hours of my life. Of course James Franco did not help at all (their chemistry was rough) but at least I'm pretty sure he was on drugs and therefore had an excuse for the failure. 
Here is a small clip from it... 


Lastly, I just don't think she is that pretty. I mean I guess she's okay but I think the majority of the reason I have thought that in the past is because we were all introduced to her in the beginning of Princess Diaries where, let's face it, she was homely. Also her voice kinda rubs me the wrong way, it almost has a lisp and almost has a British-like accent but it doesn't. 

LOLZ found this online, seemed appropriate.

Alright, this was one of my more disorganized rants but really Anne Hathaway and I would never be pals and I wouldn't wish a marathon of her movies on my worst enemy. 

Oh Annie......

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